Supermoon in Leo | how to fan your flames & set yourself free

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The Full Moon in Leo is fanning your flames, but how will you react?

Passion, loyalty, courage and love are at the heart of your fire, each proposing a question: How do you connect with each of these attributes?

(Stop here & reflect on the question above for a few moments.)

Regal and born-ready Leo is a fire sign (like Aries & Sagittarius) activating a portal of motivation, urging you to acknowledge what lives at the centre of your heart.

What does it mean to welcome in your magnificence?

Or, perhaps a better question:  What does it cost you when you deny what lives at the centre of your heart?

The Full Moon in Leo (the first supermoon of 2020) is asking you to embody courage and meditate on what it means to be you.  When you reflect on the attributes of passion, loyalty, courage and love, was the connection established an outward energy, or an inward energy?

Consider: What would happen if you directed each of these attributes toward the self with mindful tenacious commitment? Who would you become, or evolve into?

Consider further:  Have you met your true self?  Have you embraced, connected and had a conversation with your true self? Or, if you are familiar with stepping into this space, when was the last time you had an open-hearted and vulnerable conversation with yourself?

Feelings of insecurity and inadequacy can stir when we open this type of dialogue, and we must acknowledge this part of the process with love, while continuing to expand into self exploration with an even bigger heart.  Remember:  A supermoon is charged with amplified energy, so expect strong emotions to surface as you sit with yourself.

Ultimately, this Full Moon in Leo invites you to breathe life into passionate, firey and loyal self-love.

Your flames are being fanned…
Do you have the courage to reveal what lives in the depths of your heart?
How will you stay committed to welcoming in your most authentic wildfire soulful self-love?

intuitive full moon reading by | Miranda Leeann